Minggu, 29 November 2015

Random Thought #1

Ini adalah update-an blog gue setelah 200 tahun hiatus karena kesibukan gue yang belum kelar-kelar hingga sekarang, KULIAH!

Jadi mahasiswa expired ( karena udah lebih dari jadwal kelulusan angkatan yang seharusnya ) itu ga enak banget, apalagi kalo lu ga punya teman seperjuangan atau teman yang masih support pasti hari-hari lu akan berat banget ngejalanin perkuliahan dan ngerasain evolusi ekosistem kampus dengan perubahan yang signifikan. Untungnya gue ga ngalamin hal ini, masih ada teman-teman gue yang tetep komunikasi sampai kumpul bareng untuk ngelepas penat. Biarpun rata-rata udah pada lulus, mereka ada buat sekedar ngobrol atau seringnya ya becanda, setidaknya masih ada orang-orang yang bisa mengajak gue duduk dan melepas backpack kejenuhan gue menghadapi dunia akademisi yang ternyata butuh waktu lama buat gue untuk memakai toga.

Punya kampus dengan sistem mata kuliah ganjil-genap dan ga ada remedial per mata kuliahnya mungkin adalah salah satu faktor terbesar kenapa kuliah gue kelarnya lama. Dikampus temen kata remedial itu bukan sesuatu yang klenik dan mistis. Kuping gue bergerak seperti kuping kucing kala mendengar temen bilang

"aduh gue ga lulus mata kuliah ini, ngambil remedial deh gue" 

sedangkan dikampus gue omongannya 

"aduh gue ga lulus mata kuliah ini, telat setahun dong gue"

itu pun kalo mata kuliah gagalnya cuma di semester ganjil atau genap. 

Awal gagal mata kuliah dan ngomong "telat setahun dong gue" mungkin agak enteng, tapi pas lu ngeliat temen-temen satu angkatan lu berkumpul pakai almamater pakai toga bersetelan rapi dan kebayaan, akhirnya lu nelen lagi omongan lu yang enteng itu. Kalo dibanding-bandingin sama ngeliat mantan lu kenal sama orang yang salah (ehem) ya ga beda jauh lah, bahkan lebih parah!.

Tapi faktor yang paling utama kenapa kuliah gue lama kelarnya : MALES. Dulu semester awal gue kuliah gue males parah. Paling parah sih males ngerjain tugas, gue juga sempet ngomong enteng telat setahun. Tapi semester berikutnya gue sadar kalo yg gue lakuin itu salah banget, akhirnya pandangan gue liat ke depan dan mulai memperbaiki kemalesan gue dalam ngejalanin kuliah. Alhasil mata kuliah gue yg ga lulus cuma 1-2 aja disemester awal.

Satu faktor dapat diperbaiki datang lagi faktor penghambat lain. Di semester pertengahan gue sempet keras kepala mempertahankan argumen gue ke dosen dan akhirnya gue jadi bete sendiri sama mata kuliah itu. Alhasil gue jarang masuk dosennya pun mungkin hilang respect sama gue, UAS pun gue ga dateng. Ga disangka dosennya masih ngasih kesempatan gue buat presentasi hasil yg udah gw kerjain walau hasilnya nilainya ga mencukupi untuk jadi standar kelulusan. Menurut gue itu fair banget dan saat nulis ini gue ngerasa bersyukur beliau ngelakuin hal tersebut ke gue.

Beliau bikin gue mikir kalo gue terus "batu" ga akan ada slot kelulusan buat gue. Argumen yang baik harusnya disampaikan dengan baik juga bukan dengan cara yang ngejatohin argumen lu sendiri.

Dari situ gue bertekad ga mau pecicilan lagi sebagai orang yang batu atau males. Udah cukup gue berbuat begitu. Sekarang di mata gue cuma lulus, mau ngebahagiain orang tua dengan gelar akademis gue nanti, sejengkal lagi. Sejengkal yang perjalanannya seperti sejengkal jarak gundu yang kita mau hantam dengan gundu kita. 85 % kena 15% meleset.

Semoga Tuhan melancarkan segala urusan terkait cita-cita kita.

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

Mumble Mumble

This rotten blog needs to update
After a long time journey across the universe,i can go back to this hut
A busy 2 months full of duties and experiences
A hill shape draws my feeling up and down
But seems like i took a long time standing at down side

Senin, 04 Juni 2012

A Tree of Memories

A walk through a dark
Drop dead in a day
Crescent heart is on it way
Random vision just throw me far away to emptiness

I see nothing except a light from a streetlights
Instant decisions turning forward
My vision is still the same
The mist ahead and the shadow behind

Less,the word that can describe more
The word that can't be said until you have more
You feel less when you get more
And i still question it in my mind,repeatly

Much miles away , a crossroads laying ahead
My body told me to go straight but my mind told me to the right
Looks like my mind has controlled me
I followed where it want to go

It is a road with a plenty lights
Nothing can be seen
But behind the dark i feel i know something
A very familiar thing , make my curiousity replace my empty

A Tree of Memories
That what i see , Its big with a wood chairs under
Covered by the dark
And the smell of wood i remembered

  I slowly walking beside the Tree
The memories fill my mind , the scene when i was there with my friends a illustrated in my eyes
The joy , happiness , laughs , solidarity , anythings ! Everythings !
I can't express more , i moved by the blue , those enjoyable feeling really can't tell

A few steps after,
A tears and a smile of happiness
A very short walk for an amazing reminder
Just kill my emptiness and give me a new step to the sunshine

Friends,wherever you are right now
We have done many good thing to memorized
So dont be so low when you smashed by the thunder
Nothing can raise you up except your good memories or anyone beside you and care of you

Thanks for all

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Brave and Responsibility

One day the Dragon that live in the cave told the Knight
If  tomorrow he must defeat it because of its evilness out of control
He must do it and take the Dragon horn for his sword in the future
And use that sword for goodness and protect everythings that he love

Of course that a worst option for the Knight
the Dragon that he knew has becomes a good friend since he was teen age
But the Dragon is a Dragon , it can be the mass killer machine anytime
So,after the Dragon make sure that everythings will be fine
the Knight take that responsibility

Year by years have passed
the Knight has become so strong
He can turn a stone into ashes
He beats all of the villain who came to kill him
He well-known as a guardian of the north , the gate of sacred wood , and more titles that he held
But he never met the Dragon since that promise

One day in a cold weather , a light set from west , the fire isn't from a forest
It comes from something move , big , and have a very loud and creepy voice
All peoples scared , affraid , and some peoples cry because of it
The Knight realizes its not from something beyond
He knows this voice will come in the end

From the dark the silhouette of the Knight run to that voice
He brought a sword made from a pure silver and blood stain over it
With a sharp gaze straight to the west , no ones stop him
The Weather seems nothing to him
He keep go to that voice , bravely !

The clash of the battle can be seen from the village
The blood , The fire , have no differences that time
 3 days , before the battle must over
Just a moment of silence left in a cold weather
No sunlight , cloudy sky is what they only see up there.

The Knight comes back
With no words he walks into his hut
His face covered by the shadow of his hair
Tears out from his eyes
Holding a quite a big horn in his left arm
A very well-known horn for him and some peoples there
But he still walks bravely , cry is a parade on his way

He closed the hut door slowly
Try not to make a loud voice from his step
His shoes is dirty that cause from a blood mixed with a land stain
The situation become so deeply quite
Everyones shut their voice
The Knight hut's light is slowly extinguished
The night comes as dark as the hut lights off
Today someone has taken his promise
In a cold air and a cloudy sky as it background

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

@wayziai Avatar

Hello !
I made an avatar artwork for my twitter
i dont know why this animated avatar doesn't work on my twitter
so,i upload it on my blog !
if you had twitter and need friend
follow me @wayziai
i'll follow you back

thats it for this post hope you like it as i am
ciao !

Black Background

Senin, 16 April 2012

Lies Beneath

Lies Beneath
Hello again
i made an artwork long time ago and it made for band banner and cover for it page
this one called "Lies Beneath"
the band like it and i hope you so 
They were pretty cool band
they play my kinda music
their name is Chronos And Rhea you can listen to their song here

or visit their reverbnation


Minggu, 25 Maret 2012


What we proud of ourself ?just example this
when we look into the mirror seeing the reflection of parts of our body
Hair,look so comby very attractive and nobody not allowed to touch it
even the wind can't move it and we so proud of that

Face, with our shiny eyes so clear looks like the lost paradise is inside them
and the nose , sharp and very smooth just like a slide it kids park
how about our lips ? and our killer smile we can kiss everyone that we want to with this masterpiece
than, we look into our body , those abs  like a steel strong and powerful , even a sword will break if hits them
and look other parts of our body  , foots , shoulder , hands , everythings
we proud of it , don't we ?

The reflection of ourself
the proud , the graceful words sounding from our heart

but what if
the truth is always cover by the goodness

what if our reflection can shout and say

"You were tricked !
I am the perfect !
You just a garbage , you've got nothing to show !
What you see here is me ! the perfect one ! not you , the one who always proud of me !"

What would we do if that happen?
Cry ?
Angry ?
Poker face ?

What if that happen ?

What if ?